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While I didn’t set a specific book goal for myself and Fall Into Reading 2011, I did try to set a few overall goals to work on over the last few months ~ and when all is said and done, I think I did pretty well. Katrina asked a few questions for her ‘wrap up’ post and I picked the following one to answer this time around ~
What was your favorite book you read this fall? Least favorite?
Favorite book out of all of them…hmmm….a bit tough, but I have to say that the two books by Maureen Lang were my favorites this go round. I loved both The Oak Leaves and On Sparrow Hill. Completely. The two books flip back and forth between a story in the past and how it ties in with present day circumstances. Maureen Lang also weaves parts of her personal life into the stories and both just pulled me in ~ and made me want more. Two absolutely amazing books. A close second would be Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland by Roseanna White. It’s one of the few paperback books that I bought this fall and it will definitely stay on my bookshelf!
Least favorite…I think The Lady’s Maid ~ mainly because it seemed to drag out the story line and then had a sudden {and rather disappointing} ending with no actual resolution…and it’s part of a series. Don’t get me wrong, I love books that are part of a series, but somehow this one just didn’t sit well with me. I think I expected a bit more after the drawn out journey the characters had taken. All that said…I am still planning on reading the other book(s) in the series to see how it resolves. I have the next book on my Kindle and will be reading it in the next few days. :)
Here were my overall goals and what was/was not accomplished:
Goal #1: Re-read the entire O’Malley series by Dee Henderson. ~ CHECK!!
Goal #2: Read at least five of the books that I’ve downloaded for free on my Kindle. ~ CHECK! {actually read 15 books on my Kindle}
Goal #3: Read some more great books {and review them} from Bethany House and Barbour. ~ CHECK!! {although I still have a few reviews to write!!}
Goal #4: Re-read the entire Mitford series by Jan Karon. ~ not so much….I never got around to checking out the first few books in the series out from the library, so I’ll have to work on this later!
Total book count {best I can tell, because I didn’t do well keeping a list this time} ~ 32 books. I’m loving the cooler weather and curling up in bed at night with a book to fall asleep, so I have a feeling that this winter is going to be rather lovely. :)
Fall Into Reading 2011 has been hosted by Katrina at Callapidder Days. Starting Thursday, December 22nd, others will be sharing their reading updates. Katrina will be hosting the Spring Reading Thing 2012 starting this March, so stay tuned for that!
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