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Easter Sunday our church held a baptism service. McKenna had been asking for some time to be included in the next baptism, so we had worked through the questions/answers before she went to church, talking about why we are baptized and what it means.
Zachary was nearby during most of our talking and had asked about being baptized too, but we hadn’t put him on the list earlier in the week, so we told him he would have to wait until the next time.
Rick was able to help baptize McKenna along with our pastor…
After every one in the group had been baptized, our pastor asked if there were others who would like to be baptized. Zachary came up and asked me if he could ~ and Rick was able to be a part of his baptism as well.
We didn’t have a towel or change of clothes for him and it was so sweet to see McKenna open up her towel and wrap him up alongside her. I was already crying, so that didn’t help much {grins}.
As we were walking out of the church, Zachary said to me “That wasn’t what I expected at all. I thought they would hold me under for 15 seconds at LEAST! It was fast!”
Gotta love that boy!

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