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My in-laws visited a few weekends ago to help us move over the last bit of stuff from our old house and clean the house before the upcoming closing. We had a huge bin of nearly empty paint cans that we had to haul over to the new house and figure out where to store before we could discard them.
Since Rick wasn’t back yet, I told my father-in-law to store them in a small closet in our garage. As soon as Rick was home, my father-in-law went with Rick to the garage, showed him where they had put the bin, and added “Jolanthe told us to put them there.”
I jokingly added, “Oh, sure! Throw ME under the bus!”
Kaleb was sitting nearby listening to the entire conversation and raced to the garage after my father-in-law and yelled into the garage ~ “Don’t throw her under the bus!!!”

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