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A few years ago we had a speaker at a moms group that I attended who shared something fun that she did with each of her kids: a secret sign. That secret sign could mean a realm of things between that mother and her child, but the overall, essential meaning of that sign: I LOVE YOU! That secret sign exists for that child to always know his/her mom is watching, thinking, and loving - always. So if it's in the middle of church, a school program,'s a fun and creative way to let them know they are loved. Each of her children had their own special sign - and no one else in the family knew it {not even dad!}. It could be a little tug on the left ear, tucking hair behind your ear, a wink, wrinkling your nose...anything....
Me, being ever so attached to the idea, jumped right on it put it on the backburner because my then-two-year-old was more interested in picking her nose than understanding the concept. *grins*. she is almost ten and I KNOW she would be thrilled to start something fun like this with would the rest of the kids.
Today's Little Leap of Love {and if your little one is too little to do this with, hang on....} is to snuggle up with one {or more} of your kiddos and think of a secret sign that you can use between the two of you. If you want to have a special family sign instead - that's fine. Just find a sign that you can "secretly" let another family member know you love them. If you don't have any kids'll get points for convincing your hubby to have a secret sign with you {and it might be even easier to get him on board if your sign is something along the lines of ... the kids have no idea that this sign means 'you and me a little later?'}. Kids are easy to convince to do something secret, so there are extra points for getting your hubby on board!!
Have fun. Be creative...come back and tell us your secret sign and give yourself a little bonus!
Points for this leap of love: 40 points - and a 30 point bonus if it was with your husband. Come on - you can do it!! There are a possible 70 points on the line for this lasting leap!!
Don’t forget! You earn points by completing the "Leap" assigned on the day it is assigned. Some of the activities will also include bonus points.
Join us during the month of February for Little Leaps of Love ~ daily ideas of little things that we can do to show our family a little bit of love in a simple, but fun way. It’s not to late to join in with Little Leaps of Love! Find out more about the challenge {and the prizes} here. Download the ‘Little Leaps of Love’ Point Tracker to keep track of your points this month too!
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