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For today's little leap, you will need to look around your house for the following items:
- pillows, large and small
- blankets
- chairs
- an open area
- sheets
- flashlights (if you have any extras)
Step 1: Find a large open area - under a table will work nicely, or around your couch, etc.
Step 2: Prop couch cushions or chairs to make walls
Step 3: Drape blankets and sheets to make a roof
Step 4: Use small cushions/pillows as "infort" furniture
Step 5: Have fun!
Simple enough? C'mon - this one's a quick and easy one you can do!!
Points for this leap of love: 30 points.
Don’t forget! You earn points by completing the "Leap" assigned on the day it is assigned. Some of the activities will also include bonus points.
Join us during the month of February for Little Leaps of Love ~ daily ideas of little things that we can do to show our family a little bit of love in a simple, but fun way. It’s not to late to join in with Little Leaps of Love! Find out more about the challenge {and the prizes} here. Download the ‘Little Leaps of Love’ Point Tracker to keep track of your points this month too!
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