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For the last two years I’ve participated with Musings of a Housewife’s Blog Recap Carnival~ and who am I to break tradition? Here’s a look back at this past year on my blog with the first lines from the first posts of each month {if it was a review post…I’ll admit I skipped it!}.
January ~ We love the LeapFrog dvds in our house and Kaleb wanted to watch the Learning to Read dvd the other day which has some punctuation songs on it.
I had to go back and read this post…and remembering the panic on McKenna’s face because of what she read on the body spray container just made me laugh out loud!
February ~ If you are on Facebook, you might have noticed bunches of people changing their profile pictures to those of various celebrities.
Seeing who my look-alike was determined to be is still humorous! :)
March ~ Who gets to take a turn first, second, etc… can sometimes be a battle. When we were playing a game the other day McKenna said, “I should be next since I’m the middle-aged person in this family.”
April ~ Do you remember this lovely bunny?
This bunny STILL haunts me….
May ~ Remember last week when I told you about my little surprise ~ the one where Kaleb announced in the middle of our shopping trip to Target that he was wearing underwear?
Has it only been a mere 7 months with no diapers….it’s heaven. Pure heaven!
June ~ We have a great deck off our kitchen that has really had little use since we’ve lived at this house. While we have an amazing table and chair set, it is so huge and bulky that there is little room to move, let alone rest, on the porch.
July ~ This is a great one-dish meal that goes together quickly and really isn’t all that spicy…unless you’d like to make it that way.
August ~ As of 10:34pm on Sunday night I'm still in 2 Kings, and a little less than 2 days behind. Assuming that I can keep my eyes open for a bit longer, I’m hoping that I can finish it off in just a bit.
Still cannot believe that I read through the Bible for the first time this past year…and twice to boot!
September ~ While the final bill has yet to be determined for our first family camping trip, I will start out by saying that despite getting off to a literal bang-up of a start, things did get better…eventually.
We were just talking about this last night and laughing.
October ~ Can you see the bottom number? This is what happens when a certain little someone gets a hold of your indoor/outdoor thermometer.
Thank goodness we got this fixed! {grins}
November ~ It’s really rather simple, but it took all of 1 hour of the Zhu-Zhu pets being home to turn what could have been a lovely relationship…into something rather annoying.
It’s here that I’ll admit I have ‘hidden’ all of the Zhu-Zhu pets….
December ~ Just like I was swept away by the ladies of Cranford, the BBC series Lark Rise to Candleford has me completely distracted.
I’ll admit that this series STILL has me distracted! I haven’t watched season 3 of the series yet, but have it nearby to watch when I do have time!

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