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David Shirazi is a CIA agent who has one mission: to do what he has to in order to disrupt Iran’s secretive nuclear weapons program ~ without implicating the US in any way.
Prophecy has long foretold the rise of the Islamic messiah, or the Twelfth Imam. In the midst of all that Shirazi is trying to do, the Twelfth Imam is declared and it appears that prophecy is being fulfilled in front of him. War seems imminent with Israel and the stakes are high as Shirazi works to save his own country and the lives of others.
My Thoughts
The main reason I agreed to review The Twelfth Imam was because my husband has read several of Rosenberg’s books and has loved them. That alone says a lot, because he is typically not one to sit down and read a fiction book from cover to cover.
Truthfully, I was hoping that he would read the book and then give me the sum-up so that I could write the review, but turns out I got to read it after all. While I thought that it wouldn’t be something that wouldn’t interest me, The Twelfth Imam by Joel Rosenberg has kept me up late several nights reading. This isn’t a quick read, but one that definitely captured my interest and one that will hang around for my husband to read too! And wouldn’t you know…the end of the book leaves it WIDE open for a sequel. :)
Find Out More
~ Visit Joel Rosenberg’s website and blog
~ Join Joel’s Facebook fan page
~ Buy Joel’s book at Amazon.