Monday, September 6, 2010

Bible in 90 Days {#B90days} ~ Week 10 Check-in

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Bible in 90 Days- join in July 2010

I’m only one day behind!!! Hooray!! It was really encouraging to me this past week when I was trying to find my place in the Bible {since a certain little 3 year old shut my Bible on me} ~ and I realized that I am over 2/3 of the way through the reading!

Reading through the prophets has been somewhat sad for me. I can honestly say that I don’t envy their jobs and callings one bit. While reading through Jeremiah at the beginning of the week, I had a picture of him sitting and watching the potter.

And then my mind switched over to the potter and the thoughts that must have been going through his head when he looked up and saw Jeremiah sitting there: “Oh GREAT!! It’s that doom and gloom prophet again. There goes my business for the day!” I know that Jeremiah was right and following what God was calling him to do ~ but I still don’t envy the man the hatred and contempt that was poured out on him during his life.

We have family in this week visiting and I’m hoping to stay on top of my reading ~ especially knowing that by the end of next week we’ll be through the book of Matthew!!

If you are interested in learning more about the Bible reading challenge, you can read more about it at Mom’s Toolbox. You can also download your own printable reading bookmark if you want to join along in the challenge.

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