Monday, April 26, 2010

Convenience Wins

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I’m sitting here just taking a breather right now from running back and forth with the kids, doing school, cleaning up messes, making messes, and wondering if a certain 3 year old is finally getting the whole potty training thing.

This morning Kaleb decided on his own to wear underwear. A fact which I discovered midway through our trip to Target when he stood up and yelled he needed to pee. NOW!!

And although I know I should be thrilled that he is actually using the potty, I am currently of the mindset that diapers are worth their weight in gold. I know I’ll be happy when we’re done and over with the diaper stage, but sometimes convenience is a lovely, lovely thing.

Especially when a certain little someone pees in the middle of his siblings PE class and then wants to sit on your lap while wearing his wet clothes.

I’m just saying.

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