Monday, February 22, 2010

Bible in 90 Days {B90} ~ Day 53 Check-in

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Ahead. Behind. Almost caught-up. Caught-up. This week has been a whirlwind of craziness and I have to say it drives me NUTS getting behind in my reading. Truth be told, I like to have a little ‘buffer’ and usually read a few chapters ahead ~ for some reason it makes me feel a little more on top of things.

One thing that I will note about this challenge is that it has helped me prioritize things that I am doing ~ weeding out things that I really don’t need to focus on and helping me see things that do require my immediate attention.

Like Bible reading {ahem}.

I loved Isaiah and probably did more underlining this week than I have in any week prior. Good stuff. Promises. Prophecies. So much more. The reading for this week went from Ecclesiastes through Isaiah ~ and here are a few of my thoughts:
  • Ecclesiastes made me sad for some reason, but the last few chapters had some verses I really liked. Ecc 11:3 ~ “Don’t let the excitement of your youth cause you to forget your Creator.”
  • Song of Solomon is one of those books that I squirm when reading. I think it’s because it feels like I’m reading something WAY too personal…and just getting a bit more information than I need/want. Reading through this time made me wonder even more ~ did they just say ??? or am I just reading into this too much? :) Just sayin’…
  • Really hoping that Isaiah had a nickname for his son {Is. 8:3}. Can you imagine having to call Maher-shalal-hah-baz inside to wash up for dinner?
  • I have immense respect for Isaiah. I just don’t think that I could walk around naked and barefoot for 3 years {Isaiah 20}. I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to hear the command from God to do it.
  • Isaiah 26:19 again makes me wonder what Israel believed would happen to them after they died. I don’t remember any specific teaching on it in our prior reading ~ any insight from anyone?
  • Need to find a printout of the gazillion prophecies that Isaiah made concerning Jesus and the fulfillment of those prophecies. Pretty sure it’ll be a long list….
  • The last part of Isaiah states again and again ~ “I alone am God” ~ how many other things do we have that we put before God
  • The Sabbath passage {58:13} is giving me some things to think about personally…ouch.
  • Isaiah 43:22 ~ ‘…you refuse to ask for my help. You have grown tired of me.’ Just gave me a mental image of the MANY times I say to my children ~ ‘all you have to do is ask me to help you and I will’ … and they stubbornly refuse and keep trying to do it {unsuccessfully} on their own. How stubborn am I???
If you are interested in learning more about the 90 Day Bible reading challenge, you can read more about it at Mom’s Toolbox ~ she’ll be starting up the challenge again on July 1st. You can also download your own printable reading bookmark if you want to join along in the challenge ~ you can start at any time because the bookmark isn’t dated. :)
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