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Guess what?
I actually wrote a few things down to help me remember what made me laugh out-loud at the kids this week.
Funny how that helps…
On the way to church this week, Zachary was going through his Bible and giving Kaleb the run-down on the various stories. Had to laugh at his description of one
“This is Samson. The hairbrush didn’t give him his power, you know. It was God.”
Apparently Veggie Tales has had some influence here…
Zachary attempting a Buzz Lightyear saying…
“To amphibians and beyond!”
Can you guess what we’re reading about in science?
The kids had soda with their dinner the other night {thanks to their Uncle} and as we were pouring it, Zachary wanted us to add water to his.
His words ~ “Adding water to soda makes it less fuzzy.”
Fizzy, fuzzy…it’s all the same.