Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Take Them a Meal ~ Meal Organization

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I want to share a site with you all that I’ve been using over the last few days that is wonderfully AMAZING!! If you’ve ever put together meal lists for someone that has just had a baby or been in the hospital, you know how crazy it can be with all the emails, phone calls…and overabundance of lasagna deliveries.

image is a FREE site that helps you organize meal deliveries to the family with just a few clicks of a button.  As the meal coordinator you can quickly create an online schedule sheet providing directions to the home along with other important information.

Once you create the schedule and set up the dates you would like the meals delivered to the family, all you have to do is share the password with the families that would like to help and they can add their name to the online list. The person receiving the meals can also access the page to see who is delivering a meal, their phone number, the meal they are bringing ~ and they can print off a schedule of meals to stick on their fridge for future reference.

You can view a sample schedule here.

I started using it a few days ago to set up meals for a family in our church and it has taken a HUGE stress off. There are no emails flying back and forth or people accidentally doubling up on dates. AND it will even email a reminder to the meal provider when their delivery date is close! For those who aren’t comfortable using the computer, they just call me and I can quickly access the page and plug in their information.

Did I mention it is all FREE?? Really, you can go wrong with that! This is one of those sites that I wish had been around years ago ~ it’s definitely one that I will use over and over again in the future!

Just wanted to pass along a little something that is Working for Me!

Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!

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