Saturday, January 30, 2010

Book Giveaway ~ Things Worth Remembering

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image Maisey’s wedding is a just a week away and even though she is home in body, the distance between her and her mother Kendy is overwhelming. There was a point in their lives when their relationship was a model example of the perfect mother/daughter bond. Now Kendy struggles to understand what caused the chasm between them. She only wants her daughter to have a perfect wedding day ~ and longs for restoration between the two of them….but is it even possible?

My Thoughts

Jackina Stark has done a wonderful job weaving the importance of communication and also forgiveness into Things Worth Remembering. An event that happened over ten years prior has virtually destroyed the relationship between a mother and daughter. Because it had gone undiscussed, bitterness had taken root in the relationship.
With her daughter on the verge of her own marriage, everything comes to light ~ and while it seems like difficult timing, it was something much needed and eventually a big blessing.

The Giveaway

Would you like to win a copy of  Things Worth Remembering by Jackina Stark? Leave a comment on this post ~ be sure there is a way for me to contact you! The giveaway will be open until Friday, February 5th at 8pm.

Be sure to stop by and visit 5 Minutes for Books and their monthly meme called "What's on Your Nightstand?" and also the Saturday Review.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book to review from Bethany House. All opinions expressed in this review are mine.
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