Monday, November 30, 2009

Scared Awake

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A few weeks ago I broke a tie with something that I've had for the past 20 years. I'd been putting it off for months...okay, years really, and finally maneuvered my way around the aisles of Walmart to buy myself a replacement.

What did I hold so dearly? My alarm clock.

Dumb, I know, but I've had that clock since high school and sadly, it looked like it had been in my possession that long. Somewhere along the way pieces of it had broken off and it was really more of an eyesore than a working object.

The problem? I'm now under the firm opinion that Walmart needs to have a 'testing' area where you can try out a few of the clock's features before bringing home your new little one.

A few days ago I set the alarm for the first time and I'm not kidding you when I say that I almost fell out of bed when the alarm went off. I could seriously have the clock in our basement and hear it perfectly well when the alarm goes off. Even if all the doors were shut.

It is THAT loud.

Usually Rick wakes me up in the morning, but on the mornings when he goes into work early, I'm really not all that interested in being scared awake. Truly.

And if that isn't bad enough, the alarm has started going off even when it's not SET. It's all a little freaky if you ask me.

Apparently I wasted that whopping $5.97 that I spent. Before you say it, I know...I went all crazy-like buying the best, so what do I expect?

I expect I'll be taking another trip to the store today and finding myself a new addition for my nightstand....and probably spending a little more money this time around.

Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!

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