Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Complimenting the Inner Mii

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The kids have discovered that they can change their Mii’s on the Wii console and have been having a blast changing everything on their little look-alikes and making them more like little wanna-be’s.

Laurianna was fiddling around with hers and the kids were ooh-ing and aah-ing over her choices. Zachary so sweetly said to Laurianna ~ “Laurianna, you look really pretty with eye shadow on.”

Just made me laugh out loud because it’s a Mii! :)

Zachary came running into the kitchen the other day all excited.

“Mom! Did you know my underwear has pockets???”

He then proceeded to drop his pants and show me the ‘pocket’ in his underwear.

And I tried ever-so-hard not to laugh.

Especially since the boy has been wearing underwear for over TWO YEARS and just realized the ‘pockets’ were there.

Head on over to Mary's at Not Before 7 for some more Tiny Talk Tuesday!!

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