Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hiding all Their Stuff {aka 'Organizing'}

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Laurianna and McKenna love to draw. And by love, I mean 'use half a ream of paper in one sitting' kind of love.

And then it all gets 'gifted' to me. Or we can't throw it out because they want to give it to {blank}, or they drew it with their left hand, or it was the best story they have EVER written.

What, praytell, is a mother to do with all this STUFF?? I discreetly push stuff into the trashcan when no one is looking, but if I don't hide it well enough the wailing can be heard for miles when their 'stuff' is discovered.

The girls and I took a little shopping trip together the other day and bought two large storage containers that can slide under their beds {not the huge ones, but decent sized}. When we got home, we pulled out all of the papers they have stuffed in their backpacks, special things they have saved that meander around the house, and we began weeding through it all.

The rule was - if it doesn't fit in the tub, it has to go.

Letting the girls sort through it all worked out well and the tubs both slid under their beds when they were full. Now this didn't include their toys and dolls, etc...just all those 'extras' like the notes from friends, their special diary or the five purses that they've managed to collect {and Mommy wishes would 'magically' disappear}. They understand that when that tub is full - they have to sort through it and the top is the limit!

All that said - Mommy is happy now and all that 'stuff' is organized and out of sight! Just wanted to pass along a little something that is Working for Me!

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