Thursday, August 13, 2009

Links I Like...

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I'm trying to keep track of some of my favorite posts throughout the week from the various sites that I visit ~ and maybe you all are interested in some great stuff too! This list is completely random overall - a little bit of everything.

Christmas Book Activities 2009 ~ A Day of Wonders: Laura is posting ideas for ornaments that go along with different Christmas books {and being nice to post them before Christmas for us all!}

Band-aid Bugs ~ No Time for Flashcards: Cutest little bugs - another reason to run through band-aids in this house!

Seeing a Solar Eclipse
~ Jimmie's Collage: Jimmie put together a last-minute viewer to safely see the eclipse in China

Eviction Notice ~ Writing from Scratch: This just made me laugh out loud. In pure sympathy, of course. :)

On Milk - Musing of a Housewife: Definitely giving me some things to think on about milk.

Jug Care - Home Sanctuary: I was reading this seriously for about 2/3 of the post and then I about spit my coffee out laughing.

Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!

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