Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mom is Bragging

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What good is having a blog if I can't use it to shamlessly brag on my children?

Laurianna and McKenna have been swimming hard all summer and are a part of a local swim team. They have worked so hard this season to better their times and strokes, overcome some fears, and the hard work paid off!

At the final meet of the summer, Laurianna took 5 SECONDS off her time in the 25 freestyle! She was so excited when she pulled up out of the pool to see she was also first in her heat.

For the first time this season, McKenna swam the 25 freestyle without stopping to grab the line!! She also shaved 10 seconds off her time too! Something finally clicked with this last meet and she is already excited for next year.

Way to go my girls! And you know your Daddy is SO proud of you too!

Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!

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