Thursday, July 2, 2009

All These Great Posts....

While I'm trying to fall asleep at night I have all these lovely, wonderful and witty ideas for posts swimming around in my head.

I 'compose' the first few catchy lines of the posts, come up with an equally intriguing title and then finally drift off to sleep.

Only to wake up the next morning without ONE CLUE about any of those post ideas.

Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

During the night, my brain has completely emptied out it's 'blog contents' folder and left me with few clues...other than the haunting thoughts that I'm completely forgetting something.

I've started to put a notebook next to my bed, but trying to write in the dark leads to comical results. At the speed my brain goes it might be better to have a recording device of some sort, but then I'd have to explain to my husband why I am talking to myself in the middle of the night.

Not that talking to myself is anything new...

I'm starting to feel old and forgetful and I'm not liking that feeling very much. At all.


  1. Ha! I can sooo relate. I come up with complete blog posts in my head, think that I had published them, and then wonder later why they aren't on the blog! How long can we blame it on Mommy brain?

  2. that's so funny. I do the exact same thing. Maybe we should invent mind reading up to your blog and it will write as you, no...that could be dangerous!

  3. You're not old, this happens to me too. I have thought about putting a notebook by the side of my bed, but haven't yet. It'll come to you.

  4. you need to listen to Carol Barnier from convention - she will make you feel all better!! Because, my friend, you are soooo not alone in these happenings!!!

  5. lol, it is hard to wind down and unplug at night. A notebook is a good idea. :-)

  6. Good to know you're not alone, isn't it? I do the same thing. Only I do it all day. I should just carry a notebook around my neck and that way I could jot down ideas all day long. :)

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one with the problem of blogging thoughts taking up way too many of my waking hours and some of my not-quite-awake hours as well. ;-)

  8. Amen, girl! I think you (and most of the rest of us) have a serious case of blogger's block. Ugh! Maybe a long weekend will help?

  9. At least I"m not the only one, I call it the homeschooling-mom-syndrome, can't sleep because of all the ideas floating around in the head. Keeping a notebook handy does help when you can turn a light on without waking up the Daddy snoring next to you :)

  10. I have the very same problem! It will be while I am nursing at night or falling asleep that ideas will come....but next thing you know...they're gone.

    I also brainstorm while ironing. At least I have a notebook there though!

  11. I find myself entertaining myself with thoughts of posts OTHER than the topic of my kids...then i sit and I have nothing. Just kid stories. One day my blog will have something more "thought provoking"...course, now that I am sleep deprived, I suspect it will be quite some time!

  12. That sounds like me. But I really am old... :)

  13. Believe me, I do the same thing! I do keep the notepad beside my bed:-).


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