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The topic this week at Friend Makin Monday ~ confession time. 'Fessin up to all those things that happen behind the scenes in our house. Those great things that you NEVER see in person but {boy do they ever} happen.
So, here's my list of confessions for today's post:
1. I have gotten just plain L.A.Z.Y when it comes to doing housework. I'm lucky if I sweep the house each day...and have ants carrying off food to prove it. If I can convince one of the kids to do it for me, well, that would be an added bonus because then I don't have to, right?
2. Motivation to do much of anything has been at an all-time-low around these parts. Unless it involves something to make or do on the computer. Conviction however, has been running more on the high~end of the spectrum.
3. I've been conveniently 'forgetting to shave' on swim team days....which means Rick has to get into the water with Kaleb and swim. That water is COLD and I'm under the belief that since he doesn't have to shave every day it's really only fair that he gets the privilege of freezing his bum off.
4. The drive-thru at McDonalds has had more business than ever from me lately. If we're out and about and it's getting late, it's all to easy to get the kids something quick then to deal with the hassle of making lunch.
5. Follow through on discipline with the kids isn't one of my best traits. I threaten to do things and forget priviliges that are taken away constantly. Which might explain some of the current issues in our house...
6. I've been robbing Peter to pay Paul. Since we don't have credit cards, I've been juggling money from different cash envelopes and then get confused when it comes times to put the money back where it belongs. {Note: If my hubby is reading this ~ I've figured the latest one all out, so no worries anymore!}
7. I ate an entire bag of peanut M&M's last week. That doesn't sound so bad until I mention that it was a ginormous bag ~ not one you'd find in the checkout aisle. And I wonder why it's hard to loose that little bit of extra weight...
8. Twitter has been very addicting. Point shown when I was sitting in a seminar this weekend, hoping that I had wifi in the room so that I could log into Twitter. Sad, sad downward spiral it is. Fortunately for me, I couldn't get free access very often.
9. I bought a lovely photo editing software and am still struggling to figure out how to use it. I can do a few things, but apparently READING DIRECTIONS and I don't get along well. Can't figure out why it's not up and running the way it should....
10. If someone calls me to say they are stopping in for a quick visit and just moments away, I do a quick 'sweep and hide' in my house. That doesn't mean I actually sweep. Unless you count pulling off the piles of precariously piled objects and shoving them into all the little cracks where they won't be seen actually cleaning. We have a nice 'L-shaped' counter and much of it ends up piled on the floor and I just stand near it and try to divert attention from the hidden stack. {Note: I would hide the stuff in the oven if I didn't know myself well enough. I'd forget it was there, turn the oven on, and have a HUGE disaster on my hands!}
Those are just the TIP of the iceberg, people. Just the tip. You can just ask my husband. Or my kids!
What confessions of your own do you have? Be sure to head over to visit Kasey at All That is Good for other Friend Makin' Monday posts!