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There is a question and answer meme going around Facebook where you sit down with your child to ask them some specific questions and write down their answers. Since we have 3 kids that can answer, I thought it would be fun to record what each one of them had to say. :) I did edit some of Zachary's answers because on several occasions he just kept going and going and going...and I'm sure I don't know
where he gets that from!
1. What is something Mom always says to you?
L – Stop being mean!
M – I love you
Z – Zachary Jaren!
2. What makes Mom happy?
L – When I’m good
M – If I be obedient
Z – Like if I give you a hug or a kiss
3. What makes Mom sad?
L – When I’m bad to you
M – When I’m not obedient
Z – Like if I do something bad, like step on your toe
4. How does your Mom make you laugh?
L – When you tickle me
M – When I am funny
Z – by doing silly stuff (starts making faces)
5. What was your Mom like as a child?
L – happy?
M – Did you live on a farm?
Z – maybe you were like a yoyo and you could do tricks – your nick name was yoyo
6. How old is your Mom?
L – 35
M – 35
Z - 35
7. How tall is your Mom?
L – 5 feet 10 inches
M – I don’t know
Z – this tall like 31 inches, or maybe 100
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
L – hug me
M – Go on the computer
Z -. do the computer like you are doing now
9. What does your Mom do when you are not home?
L – go to Puerto Rico and do fun stuff
M – Does stuff with Kaleb
Z – you are watching swimming
10.If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
L – cooking
M – The world’s biggest lego tower
Z – maybe doing school with the girls
11. What is your Mom really good at?
L – cooking
M – Baking stuff
Z – changing Kaleb’s stinky diaper
12. What is your Mom's favorite show?
L – that show you watch on tv – I love Lucy
M – Kissing shows
Z - Bones
13. What does your Mom cook best?
L – everything
M – cheese pizza
Z – quesadillas, and macaroni and cheese, and hot dogs, and hamburgers. You are good at cooking everything in the world.
Head on over to
Mary's at Not Before 7 for some more
Tiny Talk Tuesday!!