Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Like Old Socks

Those deep theological discussions are happening all over our house lately.

Between the kids, that is. Occassionally they ask me my thoughts, but it's comical to hear them talking about things and hear the answers they come up with...and then step in. :)

Zachary asked why we have to die. My simple answer to him was that eventually our bodies just get old and we can't live forever. They just "wear out".

Laurianna was listening and piped in, "Yeah. Just like old socks."



The kids were looking through some books on the solar system and talking about God and how big He is.

M: "He's bigger than the whole world, Zachary."

L: "He holds the whole world in His hands, just like this (cups her hands together). The earth is like one little red bouncy ball."

Head on over to Mary's at Not Before 7 for some more Tiny Talk Tuesday!!


  1. "Just like old socks."

    Profound. Love hearing about these fun little insights from children [smile].


  2. death equated to old socks. perfect. i hope i outlive my socks though:0)

  3. hehe some deep conversations and some great analogies :-)

  4. LOL...OH my goodness, the sock comment had me cracking up! Good analogy!

    happy TTT!


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