Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Little Spicy

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The girls and I were cuddling up on the couch yesterday when I noticed they needed their ears cleaned out a little (I know, lovely thought).

And there's a certain little someone in this house who's life motto is not: "Cleanliness is next to godliness."

So when I went to clean her ears and there was very little to do I was rather impressed. And said so.

To which the response was, "Sometimes I clean my ears out like this (demonstrates with her finger) and then I eat it."

(Thoughtful pause).

"It's a little spicy."

It's EARWAX, for Pete's sake! Who knew (or really wanted to) that it was spicy? I'll just take her word on it - thank.you.very.much.

Head on over to Mary's at Not Before 7
for some more
Tiny Talk Tuesday.

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