Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Alphabet Alley Giveaway!!

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Alphabet Alley is a company that provides preschool toys for children that are faith-based and provide positive messages. Their toys range from puzzles, to magnet playsets, games, wooden toys and stickers. I recently received several of their toys to review: Noah's Ark Go-Fish and Two by Two Matching Game (and there will be a giveaway of one at the end of this post!!).

Playing matching games is a favorite in our house (and sadly one that my children can beat the pants off of me while playing). The Two by Two Matching Game ($10.99) is based on Noah's Ark and has 24 2x2 sized cards (perfect for little hands). The cards show rainbows on one side and simple animal picture on the other. The cards are amazingly sturdy and thick, much thicker than any of the other memory games we've played in the past. I love this version since there are 12 matches, making it a little simpler for younger players and a much quicker pick-up too when the the game is done!

The Noah's Ark Go Fish game ($5.99) is just like other Go Fish games - but even better! The cards are much sturdier and the have a better "feel" in your hand. Each card has a number, a large picture of a Noah's Ark themed item, and the word describing the picture at the bottom. This game hasn't been played yet in our house because it is now hiding in our Christmas pile downstairs for two little boys in this house - I love it!

Just in time for Christmas, Alphabet Alley is having a sale on any toy that is Christmas related. Their games and toys would make some great stocking stuffers this Christmas!

If you are interested in winning the Two by Two Matching Game and a set of the Noah's Ark Stickers for a little person in your house, leave a comment on this post (be sure that I can get ahold of you if you win!). I will pick a winner on Monday, December 8th.
Don't forget to check out other great WFMW ideas!

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