Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Better Homemade Bread

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I swear to you that this is the "secret ingredient" in some of the tastiest bread.


Because when our local store stopped carrying it and I tried something else, I thought that I had lost my touch in baking bread. It was only after talking to another friend (who also had used it) that I discovered that my "secret ingredient" was the key to the better bread. And I believe in it so much that I bought this stuff by the CASE.

Are you curious?

It's a dough enhancer called Better Bread Dough Enhancer by Kitchen Resources. Don't let other dough enhancers fool you - this one really delivers on it's promise for fluffier baked goods, enhancing natural flavor and increasing dough strength.

I promise.

And if you are interested in picking yourself up a case to share with friends or keep for yourself, you can order it for the best price and FREE shipping from Best Kitchen Machines (I'm not getting any kickbacks from this).

And before I forget (and in case anyone is interested), here is the recipe that I use for my bread. Just click on the image to download either of the recipe sheets.

Just passing along a tip for you all, 'cause it is something that definitely works for me!

Emealz - Easy Meals for Busy People!

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