Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day and Labors

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Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer posted this today and I thought it would be a fun to remember the of labor/delivery.

How long were your labors?

Laurianna, 12 hours.
McKenna, 3.5 hours
Zachary, 3 hours.
Kaleb, plenty of fun prior with pre-term labor, but he was a c-section.

How did you know you were in labor?

Laurianna, feeling contractions with my hands that were 3 minutes apart (ummm...didn't know I was in labor til the midwife checked me at the office and let me know I was 7 cm and sent me to the hospital).

McKenna, shopping at the Gap (yes, I'm serious) and walking to get contractions going - 2/3 minutes apart. I already had been 8 cm before having contractions. I did buy some nice boxers on sale for my hubby that night.

Zachary, somewhat stronger contractions at 2:30 in the morning. 5 weeks prior to his due date I was 5 cm. I wasn't sure if I should go in or not (and hated to call and wake up anyone for a false alarm), but the midwife on call said she wouldn't let me go home. We drove over right away.

Kaleb, the doctor told me to show up, so I did.

Where did you deliver?

The hospital, thankyouverymuch.


Only with one. The C-section. Didn't have much of a choice. Well, I suppose I could have said "no" but I certainly wasn't passing on the meds after the C-section either. So a resounding "YES" on that one!


Just with Kaleb. I wouldn't have chosen it, but since I had placenta previa with him, it was a no-brainer really. And I was scared to death to go into labor since I knew it would put us at a much higher risk. And I wouldn't wish a C-section on anyone. Really. Mine may have been a little different (belly button down - no nice bikini cut), but I would happily push a baby out any day than deal with everything afterwards. first! :)

Who delivered?

A midwife from our doctor's office for the first three and then practically the entire hospital staff was crammed into the tiny surgical room for Kaleb's birth: two doctor's from the office, a midwife, nurses galore, and really anyone else that seemed to be on the floor that morning, or just in the general area.

1 comment:

  1. well i found your blog when doing a search on chores for my three year old. i must say i love your idea with the cards and name badges. the videos on your blog are great, i especially love the cardboard testimonies-i forward it to all my friends and the ladies of my moms group. you take the most beautiful pictures. your family is beautiful. i would love to know what type of camera you use :) anyway, thanks for blogs today you made me smile, laugh and cry.
    ~krista linegar~


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