Thursday, April 10, 2008

Breaking Free from the LISTS...

I have been trying to stop making lists for myself. For every little thing. Every day. Because sadly, I am a girl that loves lists. I love crossing things off my lists. It gives me that glorious sense of accomplishment. It shows that things are obviously getting done.

And (shhhhhh) I've been known to do things that aren't on my list and then add them to the list just so I can cross them off.

But I was getting attached to my lists and thought that I should pull back from them.

And I quit cold turkey.

It hasn't really been good. Because I am not getting anything done that really needs to get done. I think that I've found my best motivation stares at me in black and white. Reminding me of what I am supposed to be doing so that I don't wander off and do something that doesn't need to be done. :)

So, I'm off. To start my list. Because Laurianna's birthday is tomorrow and I have so much to do and without my list I can't think of where to start!!


  1. "If it ain't broke don't fix it". I admire people who follow their lists. I even wonder away from my grocery list.

  2. Lists are good! I'm trying to make them more often...but not be a slave to them. with anything else. ;-)

  3. oooo Happy Birthday Laurianna.. I share a birthday with you :-)

  4. I LOVE my lists, it is the reason I get anything done around the house.

  5. I gave up lists for lent a few years ago, except for the weekly shopping list (I would wander aimlessly through walmart without it ;)
    I actually have been thinking of starting them back up again in earnest. Because NOTHING GETS DONE!

    (and what's wrong with writing something down in order to cross it off? hmm??? )

  6. Maybe this is why we are friends? we share the same brain.

    scary thought.

    -research brain transplant
    -get together with my brain-twin to practice singing.
    -make a date with my brain-twin for G.the G. homeschooling stuff.
    -be thankful that God has given me a friend like her.

    ...Now dang it, if only I knew how to cross things off on the computer.


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