Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Pitiful Snow Day

You know that you have a pitiful offering of snow when you can't use a REAL carrot, but instead have to use a baby carrot for a nose. If you squint your eyes and look closely, you might be able to see the snowman right in the front.
(and for those of you who are local - no, we didn't get snow today. I just forgot to post this from a bit ago.)

Monday, February 25, 2008

My House is Sticky

Sticky. That's right. And can you guess why? I'm sure it's not a difficult mystery to solve.

The quiet should have been my first warning. Truly you'd think I'd learn. I left a container of chocolate syrup on the counter and Zachary decided to help himself to it. Abundantly so. Poured himself a nice bit minus the milk, grabbed a spoon, and started sucking it up.

I found him crouched in a corner, madly shoving in his mouth before I could pry it from his slimy, chocolaty hands. But not before he'd managed to leave a trail of chocolate behind him. On the floor, the counter, the dishwasher, the refrigerator, his pants, and the list goes on. And all I can do is laugh (and grab the camera for a few pictures). Because someday, we will REALLY laugh. And if I can't laugh now I might just go crazy. So laugh I will.

But the face. Sigh. Gotta love the boy. Despite ... well, despite it all. :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Learning to eat

Feeding yourself can get messy.

Very messy.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Please Pray

A friend of ours is now with Jesus. Please pray for her family right now. I cannot even begin to imagine...her husband and 4 children need our prayers.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My emotions are in upheaval

Throughout the day I have gone through such a range of emotions: disbelief, shock, hope...the list goes on. Early this morning we received word that a friend of ours had suffered a brain hemmorage overnight and was in critical condition - and still is. She needs a healing touch from God, and we are so anxious to see Him touch her. And we are believing that He will heal her.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Shake Your Body

I had just finished dressing when Zachary found me hiding in the closet last week (shocking, I know). I was fixing my shirt and asked him if I looked cute. He cocked his little head to the side and said, "Shake your body."


"Shake your body," he repeated. So I did a goofy little dance for him. He laughed and said, "No, turn around and shake your body."

Apparently he's overheard his Daddy one too many times tell me to turn around when I ask if something looks ok. Rick does not, however, tell me to shake my body (although I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I did...).


We found a great deal on bunkbeds for Zachary on Saturday and while the kids were napping they were delivered - to our front yard right in front of the windows. When Zachary woke up and came to the living room and saw them, the look on his face was priceless. He was (needless to say) so excited.
"Are those bunkbeds for ME? You mean, I get to sleep outside tonight?"

Head on over to visit Mary at NotBefore7 for some more Tiny Talk!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Look Who's Walking Now

Yes, it's only 5 steps. And yes, he is fourteen months...but when you get to the fourth child, at times it's a relief to have it be this long. I sadly didn't realize he really was taking steps. Laurianna told me he was, because she was practicing with him - doesn't it figure then that the first person he took steps for was his big sister? If we worked with him a little more he'd probably be passing Zachary in no time, but since he's the baby - we'll let it slide.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cute counts for something...

And it's a good thing that little face IS so cute. Because sometimes you just .... feel like you need to scream. Especially when:

  • the knobs to your bedside lamps have been unscrewed for the upteenth time and are now missing in action - so there is no way to turn on said lamps

  • the toilet in your bathroom has been plugged because a certain little man thinks he can wipe his own heiney (which mind you has managed to only eek out a pea-sized poopy), and in the process uses half a roll of your favorite (and hidden from the rest of your family, so as to only pamper you and hubby) Charmin toilet paper

  • said toilet is clogged again when half a box of wet wipes is also used to wipe....anything that looks dirty in the bathroom

  • every time you move in your bed at night you hear change jingling along with you because pennies have managed to find their way into your bed, comforter, on your name it

  • knobs are removed from your dressers

  • pictures are rearranged all over your room

  • clothing in your closet has been rearranged

  • toothpaste finds its way into some interesting places...which makes you wonder where your toothbrushes have been - along for the ride, maybe?

  • you find your son with only one sock on and dare to ask: "Where is your other sock?" Answer (with a silly, sheepish grin) "It has poopy on it - because I used it to wipe my bottom." Because that's what socks are FOR, right?

I'm just going to leave it at that...because this is only a few days worth of stuff. It's enough to make a mom ... well, crazy.

Because they care...

I opened up my mailbox the other day to find this envelope from the good ol' postal service. Inside the nice large envelope was the remaining half of a bill that had been mailed off awhile earlier. Since the envelope was torn in half, only half of the bill remained - but no check. Not even half of it. Which makes you wonder where the check is, eh?

My favorite part of the whole incident? They care. And they even put it on their envelopes to prove it to you!

And - despite the fact that they handle over 202 billion pieces of mail, an occassional mishap does occur (as per stated on their caring envelope). Pretty sure this would fall into the "mishap" category.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Musical Chairs

We have some friends that enjoy visiting our crazy household every now and then - and are thrilled to have us come and wreak havoc play at their house. Both of their children are quite a bit older than ours, but they are gracious enough to play with the kids, hold the baby, etc...

So, I shouldn't be surprised when my kids pick up "bigger kid" ideas, right? Especially since our kids are ever-so-inquisitive and ask about EVERYTHING. High School Musical is one of the other families favorite movies. Our kids have never seen the movie, but the marketing is working on their little minds already. Now, when we go to the store, my oldest three notice High School everything....plates, cups, posters, shirts, etc....

I about peed my pants laughing today though when I heard the kids talking in the other room. Zachary wanted to play a game with the girls, so he nicely asked, "Girls! Do you want to play High School Musical chairs?"

Not familiar with the game? I'm sure he'd be happy to teach you!

Head on over to Mary's for some more Tiny Talk Tuesday. And don't forget to check out the Little Leaps of Love and play along this month with us!

Friday, February 1, 2008

May I Ask Who's Calling?

When the phone rings in our house there is an all out flurry of activity to:

a) find the phone

b) be the one to answer the phone (or bring it to Mommy)

Kaleb is now very close to following in his siblings footsteps. I'm sure that I have no idea where in the world he sees this, but Kaleb has been ever-so-cute lately and acting so much "bigger" than it seems he should be.

He LOVES playing with the phone. Any phone, be it pretend or real (of course the real one is better! He holds it in his hand, flips it open, cocks his head to the side, holds the phone up to his little ear and says, "Eeh?"

Too cute, little boy. Too cute you are.