Thursday, November 1, 2007

Honesty is Hard

Today when we sat down to homeschool, Laurianna sat quietly for a little bit and then was hanging her head down while she said, "Mom, I need to tell you something." I let McKenna start working on something else and asked her what was going on. She pulled out her phonics test from the day before.

"Yesterday when I was taking my phonics test and you had to get up and help Zachary go to the bathroom, I....opened your book and I looked at the answers on this one and this one because I didn't know how to do it. I copied the answers. I'm a cheater."

Despite the "seriousness" of the occassion, I was trying so hard not to smile. She was truly so pitiful looking (very sorry) and I was thinking about something that I had just started praying for the girls two days ago. As I was listening to them in their room in the morning talking, I just started praying that the Holy Spirit would always convict them when they were doing something wrong - and that they would just tell me or Rick on their own because of that conviction. That I wouldn't have to be the "police" of sorts. Talk about a quick response!

I was immensely proud of her for telling me, since I had no clue. I remember seeing that she had them right and thinking "wow!" but she's a smart kiddo. We talked about it and prayed together and I am so thankful that she was convicted and felt the need to talk to me about it and be honest with me - despite how difficult it was.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful answer to that prayer. That is a great prayer - may the Holy Spirit work in their lives to bring them to repentance.



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