Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Always Zachary...the little boy speaks...

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If you've read any of my blogs, you know we have a fascination with the potty, poop, etc... good ol' Zachary. The boy loves the potty. Loves to be a big boy. Will wait to poop until he has a pull-up on at naptime. He'd hold out forever. Perhaps I should just let him wear undies all the time, but that could lead to another federal disaster, so .... maybe not just yet.

Today, after changing his pull-up for the upteenth day in a row we had a little conversation:

Me: "You know, if you went poop in the potty instead of your pull-up, Mommy could do a happy dance for you."

Zachary: "And if I went poop in my underwear, you would do a mad dance."

Ever seen a mad dance? I'm sure there must be one...

To find out what other tiny ones are saying, visit Mary at Not Before 7 for Tiny Talk Tuesday.
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